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How to stay safe on Facebook

I see it myself every day, malicious links popping up on my Facebook news feed because people are duped in to clicking dodgy links. There are ways to avoid ending up with malicious content all over your PC due to Facebook, and the Gov Info Security blog has posted some top tips everyone should follow. […]

Facebook Applications Accidentally Leaking Access to Third Parties

A post on the Symantec Corp’s official blog has revealed third parties, including advertisers have had access to Facebook user accounts via Facebook applications. Photographs, chat logs and most worryingly your personal information were all able to be accessed. Not all third parties would have known they had the means to access this information, but […]

Warnings over Osama bin Laden malware scams

Security experts have issued warnings to internet users to be wary of scammers using news of Osama bin Laden’s death to spread malware. Paul Ducklin of computer security company Sophos said on his blog, “Watch out for the links you’re likely to come across in email or on social networking sites offering you additional coverage […]